The Northern Hemisphere is Richer Than The South
Did you know that countries located north of the equator line are much
richer than those in the south
It doesn't take a lot to figure that out right after all europe the us and
canada are all located there but is there a specific explanation for this
Well turns out there's more than one possible explanation and today we'll
go over all of them
The most probable reasons why countries in the northern hemisphere are
richer than their southern siblings
Okay so before we dive into the reasons proper we should take a minute to
establish what is considered part of the northern hemisphere and what is in
the south okay
So the two hemispheres are divided by the equator which is the circle of
latitude around our planet, There isn't a literal circle or line of course
but this concept is used to establish the point of zero degree latitude on
our planet
The northern hemisphere houses all of north america and europe as well as
large portions of asia and africa it also contains the northern part of
south america then south of the equator
We have the entirety of australia and antarctica most of south america and
a portion of africa and asia this should give you a pretty good idea of
which countries are considered part of the northern hemisphere and which are
in the south
Alright so now let's move on to some theories
Number One Geography while there isn't any kind of connection between the
potential of an individual and the place they live in the world the same
cannot be said for the potential of different territories on our planet one
of the advantages of the northern hemisphere over the southern
One is just how much land is available in comparison and the amount of
resources and development potential for this land for instance the northern
hemisphere accounts for 68 of the land on our planet while the southern
hemisphere only has a meager 32 the rest is all water
The northern hemisphere's surface is 60.7 water while the south's is 80.9
percent on top of that the largest desert in the world antarctica is located
in the southern hemisphere, So of the little land available to the south a
decent portion has much less than a practical use and yes antarctica
technically is a desert but that's a discussion for a different type of
Moving on the northern hemisphere also has a significantly higher
population than the southern one
Okay we're selling this short here the north houses 90 of all human
population while the south contains the remaining 10 percent this again is
connected to the idea that the north has more land that can be used for the
purpose of development agriculture and settlements
And the two most populated countries in the world china and india are
located north of the equator but land alone isn't the only factor for the
development potential of a location
There are other things to consider as well such as
Number Two Better Climate Conditions the climate of the countries within
both hemispheres has dictated a lot when it comes to how these countries
have developed
This is mainly related to agriculture which tends to thrive more in
temperate climates the temperate climate zones are located around the middle
latitudes north and south of the equator they have wider temperature ranges
which is why you see the stereotypical seasons in them
But not all countries the tropics for example tend to have a more fixed
climate soils in temperate climates are generally better for agriculture
than other climates as they have higher levels of nutrients
The temperatures are also warmer and not strictly hot or cold all year
round when you're harvesting crops the better the temperature the higher the
yield you'll get this means that countries in this temperate climate zone
get better results for less effort when harvesting crops that benefit from
this climate like wheat
And once again a trend re-emerges the northern hemisphere has a vast amount
of land located within the temperate climate zone including vast portions of
north america and europe
While the southern hemisphere has chile uruguay and new zealand now the
effect of climate on agriculture and other industries has been lessened over
time as technology evolves we find new ways to get past such obstacles, But
we have to remember that
Agriculture has been a dominant commercial industry for much of our history
and the evolution of technology to the degree we see today is much more
recent you don't have to go back too far either agriculture was the world's
top employment sector back during the days of our grandparents
So not only do you have more usable land and more people to work it but you
also have better climate conditions that allow you to reap more benefits
from it