Eleven Real life powers to Success your Life
What if we told you that every single successful person out there possesses not one but several real life superpowers they leverage these to get everything they want from life
Superpowers are real even better there's nothing stopping you from acquiring your own based on our study of thousands of successful people during the past decade
We've identified 11 real life superpowers that successful people use to win in business and in life let's get started
Number One
Number one to see into the future every successful person can see into the future you see things that are not there yet
But could be if you did something about it that's how every business every technological breakthrough and everything that you see around you came to be the only way to predict the future is to build it
You want to be successful look into the future see what's different and then come back to the present and build it now
Number Two
Number two sleep less than everybody else and still feel rested to the untrained eye successful people have more time than everyone else while you're out there trying to do one or two things at most per day
Their calendar is filled for months to come the moment you know exactly what you have to do you don't have time for distraction or to try and figure out what your next moves are
Sleep is the easiest one to fix simply wake up two to three hours earlier than everyone else for a few years and you'll be way ahead of them even if you have the same ability to perform
If you're competing on equal ability the difference reverts back to volume and effort food is the second easiest to fix most successful people
Don't eat three meals a day and multiple snacks in between ceo of twitter jack dorsey eats one meal a day and so does everybody else two meals at most is the way to go
Number Three
Number three ability to understand and leverage numbers they can basically see the matrix you know the green numbers well everything around us is based on numbers life is based on numbers money is straight up numbers being bad with numbers is probably the biggest handicap
A person in business can have because a business relies on numbers to grow there cannot be growth without the ability to measure and interpret the results the small portion of the population
That understands numbers well rules over the rest from politicians trying to get a specific number of votes to businesses trying to increase their profits
Number Four
Number four ability to self motivate life is exhausting you're either on a roll and things are going great or you feel like it's part of the cycle where you need to keep your head down and keep pushing through the boring work
Working when you don't feel like it is a real superpower it's what allows a small portion of us to keep moving forward when everyone else is stagnant
This is a secret most people don't know nobody is inspired or motivated 100 of the time some days you just want to crawl into a ball and eat cheetos
Those are the days that make a difference get yourself to put in the tiniest bit of work and you're already ahead of those on the couch
Number Five
Number five ability to persuade or inspire people we were a little bit sneaky with this point because there are actually two different superpowers wrapped into one it's sales combined with leadership
Every business is a sales business every interaction is a sale from your friends to your family to your work and even selling yourself of your own dream the ability to persuade others into doing what you want is beyond valuable
Every great company was built on someone's ability to convince others to follow them into the unknown if you want to succeed you need to inspire the people that work with you
Then it becomes important to convince the customers to use what you've built you're in a constant state of persuasion so those who master this skill are like a modern day purple man
Number Six
Number six ability to embrace risk and overcome fear your body isn't meant to take risk risk means that moving bush could be a rabbit or a lion
Do you really want to find out you might have taken the risk when you are starving but now life is decent in the most mediocre ways putting yourself and your future at risk today goes against all of those years of evolution you have to be insane
The truth is there aren't that many lions left waiting in those bushes so those who dare to go after it usually end up with the rabbit everyone says they could have done it themselves
But when the moment presented itself very few were willing to take the risk
Number Seven
Number seven the ability to harness time flow in your favor if we could have any superpower ever it would be to control time it's like the ultimate superpower you might not be able to go back in time or jump across different universes just yet
But this doesn't mean you can't harness time to work in your favor every decision you make today is compounded by time
Make good decisions now and you'll reap all the benefits later time will go by anyway so make sure what you do today tracks right into the future that you envision
Number Eight
Number eight health and youth is an actual superpower coming out of kovac we feel like this doesn't really need to be explained but here's the thing y'all are taken for granted your youth
You can run your body doesn't hurt you're strong you can see clearly you can hear well your taste buds allow you to enjoy a diverse palette of flavors you're like a super sensorial being
And you don't know it yet love making will never be as good as it is for you today food will never taste as good as it does today you will never see the world clearer than you do today
Even if you have no other special skills in your portfolio pull up a rock lee type of situation and brute force your way into success through your youth
Number Nine
Number nine multiply yourself using technology for the first time in history you can be in more places than one do the work of 10 20 100 people at the same time
You can write code that automates one of your daily tasks you can create content that in theory could live forever you can leverage technology to talk to people from everywhere in the world
Do you all understand just how much of a technological miracle period in history that we're living through those who leverage technology are those
The door to the future opens for walk through that door embrace technology and see what happens if you're as eager to see where this road will take us
Number Ten
Number ten creativity and the ability to generate ideas that have value we're constantly fascinated by the incredible power of the human mind
Every experience we've ever had every product ever created everything we use every day is the brainchild of someone's mind it doesn't matter
What situation you find yourself in we guarantee that somewhere deep inside that mind of yours there's a way out some people choose not to dig for those answers considering you're here watching this post
We're guessing that you're not like them think and think deeply think about your life think about you think about the future for when you do you unlock a new superpower that most people are lacking
Number Eleven
Number eleven knowing yourself and what you want from life it's shocking to us how few people have any idea who they are and what they want from life
It's mind bending when you see someone say they're going to do something watch them at work and years later they are where they said
They would be the fewer people you know the more they think that you got lucky most people's jaws will fall to the floor as progress is happening to other people
The difference lies in knowing yourself knowing what you're capable of knowing what you need to become in order to get to where this new version of you needs to be